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I ask myself that everyday?

Who am I and I have to always look to my fruit, my relationships, and ultimately God Himself to find this out.

I could talk about all the jobs I have had. Worked at Fedex for ten years. I could tell you of my relationship to only two woman in my life and a marriage that lasted only three months together. I could talk about my weakness to the nudity that a female body has has on my eyes or mind that all men struggle with, just look at king David or His son Solomon. Or that I traveled the World Sharing Jesus Love for nearly a year with 50 people and almost lost my faith in the process, faith that God cared about me or the poverty that is so prevalant in the world, don't tell me you haven't been there when a loved you leaves or dies or your dreams come crashing down, the circumstances can seem endless.

However despite weakness and short comings this is not who I am.
Throughout scripture there is more record of mens failings then successes,
However it has always been our Father who comes in and says great things about us.
Just look at Moses or David, God always spoke with Favor and High regard toward these men,
Even though clearly these men where both murders and at times cowards, But God speaks well of them.

So I guess you could say that I am Wiling to be everything that He wants me to be in all circumstances of life. Jesus said not my will, but your will be done, or more to the point, Not who are what I want to be or do, but who or what you want me to be Father.

This Journey will be the same. It will be a time to be who He wants me to be.
So join me. Join God as we go out and be what He wants us to be.

Thank You All.

David Shaw