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Jesus Said if the miracles I did for you had been done in wicked Sodom, it would still be here today. WOW!

Just think, today there are more people in America that don't Know Jesus then ever before and Jesus is saying that these people, unrelegious people, are ripe for harvest.

What are we waiting for?

When I see America I see Hope.
                I see the Chuch bringing Kingdom In Truth, Love, and Power.

God is not an ideal or someone we only have a relationship with on our knees or in the closet.

He walks with us into work everyday and is ready to Heal our coworkers and provide for their needs as we reach out to bring them into our lives. He is a Spirit of Power that is ready to be released to those who are willing to step out in Faith.

So this September 8th I will be joining 67 men who have decided to step out in Faith.

In luke 10 Jesus sent out 70 in groups of 2 and he said

"When you enter a town and are received, eat what they set before you, heal anyone who is sick, and tell them, 'God's kingdom is right on your doorstep!"

For 40 Days in the wilderness of Georgia we will seek God's Face and set ourselves aside for the Work of The Gospel and Bringing the Kingdom Of God to America. Then we will go out in groups of two for a journey toataly dependant on the presence of the Spirit of God as He leads us to Those in need.

                                                               We look forward to seeing people that are sick be Healed.
                  We look forward to seeing people Come into Relationship with Jesus.
                                           We look forward to seiing Hope come back to America.

If you have supported me in the past I want to Thank you once again and now I ask you once again for your support. To those who have never supported me I want to Thank you as you join me on this Journey that It will be a catalyst for future mission trips in America.

I need $1,200.00 by September 8th
Wow less then Two Weeks, however I feel confident that God Will provide.

You can click on this Support Me! link or the one on the left and donate via online or mail.

I also REALLY need your prayers as this is going to be a sheep among wolfs event.
Your Prayers for Finances, Places to stay, even Jobs would be neeeded.

Also that above all else we would have the initimacy with the Father that is neccesary to any missions Work.

Lets Go get them, Its Going to be a Huge Harvest!

Here is a link for further Info as to what all is involved.

Journey into the Deep

5 responses to “What a Huge Harvest!”

  1. My brother- you are a man I admire.

    Come heal Connecticut and you have a bed!

    I love you- I’m so excited to see how God moves in this. I’m excited to see how God CAN MOVE because of your FAITH in active OBEDIENCE.

  2. Hi there, praying for you David. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures with God!!!

  3. YAY David. I am so proud of you and so pumped! PS Love the picture with our Hungarian friends 🙂 Keep chasing after God, He has so much for you!